Current Studies

Is it bad to break promises?

Eligible Ages: Children aged 4 to 7 years.

Study Type: The study takes about 10 minutes, and you can participate whenever you like without an appointment!

What the study is about: In this study, we are interested in how children think about people who say that they will do the right thing...but then break that promise and do something selfish, instead.

For a short introduction, watch this video!

To participate

What you need: The study is best suited to a tablet or a laptop/desktop computer, but a larger phone will also work.

What your child will have to do: Your child will see some animated stories about some children in a school, and we will ask them questions about which of the children they like or which are "mean". They can answer the questions by touching the screen or clicking a mouse.

What your role is: You can help your child to understand how to respond to the questions by touching/clicking the screen, or you can help by clicking on the screen for them. Just please don't influence their answers!

To get started: click on this link, or follow this QR code on your tablet or phone (simply point your phone/tablet camera at it). You don't need to get your child yet. We'll let you know when it is time to get them to begin the study!